Cursos Fipe
Análise da Conjuntura e Construção de Cenários Econômicos (ON-LINE)
julho de 2025
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Análise da Conjuntura e Construção de Cenários Econômicos (ON-LINE)
julho de 2025
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Curso Preparatório para o Exame Nacional da ANPEC (ON-LINE)
24 de fevereiro de 2023
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Análise de Impacto Orçamentário: Conceitos e Aplicações Práticas (ON-LINE)
18 de agosto de 2025
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The Catho-Fipe indicators, developed by Fipe in partnership with Catho, offer a profound and updated view of the labor market and the Brazilian economy. The available information in Catho’s real time database and other public sources on the Internet allow agility in extracting and calculating numbers. This way, it is possible to keep up with the current labor market positions, without requiring one to two months for the official data to be released. All indicators are released in the last business day of each month and containing information the month of release.
The first indicator is an estimate of the unemployment rate calculated by the IBGE, the Anticipated Unemployment Rate (Taxa de Desemprego Antecipada). Fipe also calculates an index that monitors the ratio between new vacancies and new resumes registered online, the Catho-Fipe Vacancies per Candidate Index (IVC). This indicator is more extensive than the unemployment rate because it offers data on both sides of the market: supply and demand for work. Beyond those two indicators, the Offered Salaries Index allows monitoring the salaries offered by companies that are searching for new professionals.
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