Cursos Fipe
Economia Comportamental: Conceitos e Aplicações (ON-LINE)
abril de 2025
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Economia Comportamental: Conceitos e Aplicações (ON-LINE)
abril de 2025
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ESG na Prática: O novo protagonismo sustentável das organizações (ON-LINE)
6 de maio 2025
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The Public Construction Prices Indexes for the State of São Paulo exist since the mid-1970s and it is calculated by Fipe for the Finance Department of the State of São Paulo. Those indexes are used to readjust prices for construction works, within the Administration of the State of São Paulo Government, as determined by State Decree n. 27133 of 07/26/87 with modifications introduced by State Decree n. 45113 of 08/28/2000.
The indexes are calculated from data monthly collected regarding input prices used in public construction works, provided that the weighting structure as well as the input list itself were extracted from virtual budgets sent by public bodies that contracted and/or directly monitored construction works.
In the Finance Department's website (access the website) it is possible to obtain the official indexes, calculated for 22 types of construction works since March 1994. On that page, it is possible to access the monthly variations, the index numbers and the accumulated values of four indexes calculated for the Finance Department, since April 1994, such as: Buildings Index (IGE); Earthmoving Index (TER); Paving Index (PAV); General services with predominance of skilled labor Index (SGPMO).
Observation: In January 2014 a payroll tax reduction instituted by Federal Law n. 12844/2013 came into effect substituting the 20% employers' contribution to the INSS by a 2% tax on company revenue.
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