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Análise de Impacto Orçamentário: Conceitos e Aplicações Práticas (ON-LINE)
maio de 2025
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Curso Preparatório para o Exame Nacional da ANPEC (ON-LINE)
24 de fevereiro de 2023
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Análise da Conjuntura e Construção de Cenários Econômicos (ON-LINE)
27 de janeiro de 2025
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Economic Studies

The Economic Studies Magazine is a scientific quarterly publication by the Institute for Economic Research (Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas) of the School of Economics, Business Administration and Accounting of the University of Sao Paulo (Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo).

The magazine stands out for its academic diversity by giving preference to articles that offer diverse lines of thought, only requiring such articles to meet quality and originality standards. Beyond articles, the magazine offers an open space to divulge researches and abstracts. It stands among the most respected and traditional periodicals in Brazil since the publication of its first issue in 1970. Articles accepted for publication in the Economic Studies Magazine (Revista de Estudos Economicos) receive the maximum points on Capes evaluations.

The magazine content has migrated to the USP platform for academic magazines, which can be assessed in the following link: